Weekday Schedule

- 5:50 Mental Prayer*
- 6:45 Morning Prayer in the Chapel
- 7:15 Eucharist
- Thanksgiving and Midmorning Prayer
- Breakfast
- Duties/Class for Novitiate
- 11:45 Midday Prayer
- 12:00 Dinner, followed by recreation
- Mid-afternoon Prayer
- Spiritual reading
- Free time for walking or other exercises
- Duties
- 4:30 Office of Readings and Evening Prayer
- Mental Prayer*
- 6:00 Supper
- Compline
- Recreation
* Mental Prayer is a Carmelite form of prayer that may be understood in general terms as personal meditation/contemplation. It is essential to our vocation of prayer for the Church as handed down by St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila).
~ Daily visit to the Blessed Sacrament in private. The Rosary may be said in private.