Before all else, it is prayer that allows us to hear the Lord’s voice, and to discern the path on which the Holy Spirit is leading us. Consider some of the following ways in which it is possible to create more space for God.
- Scheduling a regular time for personal prayer each day. It may include prayers from the Liturgy of the Hours, the Rosary, or meditation on Scripture, etc.
- Participation at Mass and frequent reception of Communion, even daily if possible. Remaining close to God in His Word and Sacrament.
- Regular confession in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
- Spiritual direction in order to recognize and respond to the action of the Holy Spirit.
- Spiritual reading, with an emphasis on Scripture and the Saints.
- Imitation of the life of Christ and the virtues of Our Blessed Mother in daily activities and in relationships with others.
- Please contact our vocation director regarding discernment visits. email: pelzekocd@gmail.com